As the name itself suggests, the ‘degradation’ products are all such items which are made out of the waste items and things which are left behind in any processes. This is a very wise step towards making of almost everything and not letting things go in vain. Everything is worth something and does not deserve to be wasted. However, it is very important to distinguish between IMPURITIES and DEGRADATION PRODUCTS. Degradation products must be usable and devoid of any impurities which might create problems for the user of such products. Technically, DEGRADATION PRODUCT is something which is produced after the partial biodegradation or the chemical collapse of substances. But in more general terms, degradation products can be understood as any product made from the waste items and it must not have IMPURITIES. As far as certain drugs are concerned, they are made along with certain degree of acceptance of impurities which are not ruled out as problematic elements. There are different procedures to analyze certain impurities and accordingly are assigned exclusion and inclusion. Hence, impurities whose traces are found in the degradation products need not be necessarily monitored because they do not pose any threats.


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